I am new to Struts and Turbine and am trying to get a feel for their
compatibility from the Struts perspective.  The Turbine site says that it
can be integrated with JSP, which I infer to include Struts.  However, it
*seems* that Turbine developers prefer the templating systems over Struts
(maybe I'm wrong about that).  Does that mean that Turbine makes a lot of
template assumptions which would make it hard to use with Struts?  I
understand the push-MVC vs pull-MVC philosophical differences between the
template systems and Struts.

Are there a lot of Struts users using major Turbine components like the user
access control module?  If so, is it 2% 50% or 90%?  In other words, how
compatible are they really?  I checked the archives but didn't see much that
answered this question.

What I'm really getting at is that I don't see much on either the Struts web
site or the Turbine site that refers to each other.  Considering they are
both Apache projects, the perceived silence about each other makes me kind
of nervous.

Hopefully I haven't asked too many questions in one e-mail :-)

Jonathan Carlson
Software Developer

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