James Howe wrote:

> At 05:35 PM 2/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> >James Howe wrote:
> >
> > > Is there some reason why the base tag defined in the HTML tag library
> > > doesn't let you specify the optional target attribute?  I'm working with a
> > > frames based web application and I need to use both the href and target
> > > attributes.  I know I could subclass the custom base tag, but before I do,
> > > I was wondering if there was any particular reason why the standard Struts
> > > base tag does let the user specify the target.
> > >
> >
> >I prefer not to support attributes that aren't in the official HTML 4.01
> >specs, and this is one of those.  You're welcome to support it yourself
> >in a subclass, however.
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> >
> >Craig
> I thought target was part of the spec.  In looking at the spec on
> www.w3c.org, the following page specifically mentions the target attribute:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/links.html#edef-BASE
> However, the DTD does not mention the target attribute so I'm a bit
> confused.

That's what did me in ... I looked at the DTD and did not see it there without
reading the corresponding text (isn't that why the DTD stuff is highlighted in
color?  :-).  It's also described specifically as related to <base> in Section
16.3.1.  It's also listed explicitly in the attributes list:

>  Perhaps target will be superceded by a style-sheet
> specification?  If you don't want to change the base tag implementation I
> will just plan on creating my own subclass.

I'll go ahead and add it (and also on the other supported tags as appropriate).

> Thanks.
> James W. Howe                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Allen Creek Software, Inc.              pgpkey: http://ic.net/~jwh/pgpkey.html
> Ann Arbor, MI 48103


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