
I am trying to see if there is a less clumsy way of doing the following ...
I have a boolean bean property - I was trying to use one of the logic tags
to test if this value is true.
my question is why do I need to supply a "value" attribute even for bean
properties that are boolean? 

I guess I am looking for an logic:if tag.
Or have I not read the manual/guide properly & missed something?

Would the fact that there is no tag - that assumes a bean property is
boolean mean that - having boolean properties is discouraged/restricted to
using in special cases? 

for example I have to do something like this:
<logic:equal name="myBean" property="isEditEnabled"
            scope="session" value="true">
        <!--- some code here -->

I was hoping to do something like:
<logic:if name="myBean" property="isEditEnabled"
        <!--- some code here -->


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