The safest thing is to have them under WEB-INF/classes, which is already
on the classpath. 

I agree that keeping like resources together is good idea, but are they
only used by the templates? Do not the Action classes also use these for

The JSP's under /WEB-INF/pages are really source code files, and if you
precompiled them that folder might be omitted. So personally I would
suggest not putting runtime resources in that branch, unless the
multiple resources files are moved to another location as part of the
concaternation process. (Are you doing this with Ant?)

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

> Jonathan wrote:
> Anyone have any suggestions as to where in the code I should
> concatenate my multiple resource files?  I actually would like the
> resource files to be in the same directory as the templates to which
> they pertain (ie in with the jsp files).  Assuming I put my jsp's in
> WEB-INF/pages, I guess I would have to put the WEB-INF in the
> classpath as well so that the properties files are visible to the
> ActionServlet.

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