On 30 Jul 2001 18:20:29 -0700, Tim Colson wrote:
> While a custom tag is an option; this bit of functionality would have
> required embedding  javascript code and html inside the custom tag lib. To
> me, putting view specific code like inside a tag library is also a slippery
> slope in the quest to keep thing separated.

Although I would agree that HTML should probably be best kept outside of a taglib, I
don't think JavaScript can be generalized that way.  JavaScript can sometimes becomes
a heavy development task.  This is especially the case with client side validation.  I
think the same thing that motivates a designer to get their scripts from an archive
would probably drive them to use developer tag lib.

Also, being that JSP and taglibs, like Velocity, is essentially Java, you can still
manage view specific code in a designer friendly way, given some though.


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