> You mean something like this?
> <logic:iterate id="x" >
>     <template:get name="<%= x %>" />
> </logic:iterate>
> I am not sure, whether this is possible in the 
> soon-to-be-deprecated template
> tags or in the tiles tags, but the idea is good.

No, I mean a caller like:

<template:insert template='/chapterTemplate.jsp'>
  <template:put name='name[0]' content='name_0'/>
  <template:put name='name[1]' content='name_1'/>
  <template:put name='name[2]' content='name_2'/>

Then in the template itself:

<logic:iterate id="x" name="name">
  <bean:write name="x"/>

So the <template:put> would recognize that name needs
to be a list and create the bean accordingly.


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