In my ActionForm I have a collection of names which is added to
dynamically. If I want to give each name its own delete link I'm doing this
with iterate:

<logic:iterate id="el" name="reallySimpleForm" property="names">
Name: <bean:write name="el"/> <html:link href
="javascript:subForm(document.forms[0],'del');"><bean:message key

(where subForm is a JavaScript function to submit the form, and set an
action, of 'del' in this case)

but how do I add an index value into the javascript call for the link? To
generate something like:

<html:link href="javascript:subForm(document.forms[0],'del', 0) (last param
being the index)
<html:link href="javascript:subForm(document.forms[0],'del', 1)
<html:link href="javascript:subForm(document.forms[0],'del', 2)

Is the only way to do this using scriptlets?


Rob Breeds

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