When the struts-config file is initialized, does it place the ActionMappings
into a bean or are the ActionMappings checked against the struts-config file
each time a */do/* url is accessed? My reason for asking is that I plan to
create a config file that will define the content available to a page based
on it's Action Mapping. I plan to write an extendable generic ActionClass
that can read the config file and determine what data it needs to provide to
the page based on the Action Mapping. The page tags will then determine the
placement of the data on the page. I am just wondering if I should place all
of the mappings into an app bean to be accessed by the GenericAction or
leave them in the config file and parse the config for mappings. The answer
seems to be the bean. But, I would like to do it in the same manner that
Struts does.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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