Subject: Re: What's a good practice to reuse formBeans with validation
From: "Tea Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey thanks for all the proposals regarding validation...  though I guess
I've no time to dig into David's validator at the moment.
My colleague just reminded me:  dare we not resolve all the forseeable
stuff by stuff this SUNDAY, we must go back to JSPs  |o|

And here comes one more proposal:  hey!  listen!  stick to the old methods
and hire whoever you want!  What?  we aren't developers anymore, we do
maintenance only... full time!! in office hours!

Tea Yu

> Even sadder that (at least here in the States) you'd BETTER be learning
> on your own time. Because if you don't, you're liable to find yourself
> in the street, and some H1-B visa holder sitting in your seat because he
> the required skills. Why should they invest anything into training their
> developers. That reduces the profit for the shareholders (or venture
> capitalists), and after all, developers ARE a renewable resource!!!
> >
> > > I plan on trying it some time when I'm not under so much time
> > > pressure.  (It's ironic that sometimes we're so busy that we don't
> > > have the time to learn how to do things more efficiently).
> >
> > That's a funny and sad statement at the same time  :-)   I can
> > relate.   Many companies want to use new technologies and haev their
> > programmers scramble to convert existing apps to that new technology
> > they totally see it as "anti-productive" for programmers to sit and
> > it the correct way.    Basically, it's a "convert the app to Struts
> you
> > can't learn Struts on our time (only on your time) so you need to Slam
> > Hack the struts solution.   Oh and by the way, it needs to work
> and
> > fast the first time.   During your Sundays at home (instead of
> > your time with your family) you can do all the learning of Struts that
> > want but while you're on our time, those keys better be a-clickin' and
> > results better be a showin' and it better be done in 2 weeks or we're
> > canceling the project")  :-)
> >
> > Ironically, after doing that, many companies will never give you the
> > to "redo" it the right way like they tell you in initial meetings
> > it's done initially, you can go back and redo it the right way).
> > they'll have you slop together more screens and such on top of the
> "rushed"
> > system.    So you end up converting an application to struts but now
> > newly sloppily created system has a web-based front end system around
> > slop instead of a JFC-Based applet  :-)   In order to redo it the
> > way, the midnight oil and weekend's need to be burned and you'll get
> > satisfaction from the company as they'll turn around and say "Had you
> > designed it the right way from the start, you would not have needed to
> work
> > evenings and weekends".

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