Actually, no.

this is what I have in my login.jsp
 <html:form action="">

and this is in the struts-config file:
          <form-bean name="loginForm"
                     type="" />

   <action path="/login"
               name="loginForm" >
                  <forward name="success" path="/f_Relocation.jsp" />
                  <forward name="failure" path="/failure.jsp" />

Am I doing this all wrong?


I thought that by going through the login.jsp (which invokes my
 Do you mean going through the ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Casas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 3:40 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: error
Hello, It's me again. 
Yesterday and this morning I posed a question about a <bean:define>
tagproblem. I was getting a Cannot find bean logonForm in scope null error.
Somebody told me that i was getting this error because I was accessing
thejsp directly. Well, now I'm using a login.jsp which validates that I'm in
adatabase, if I am then it directs me to another jsp(f_Relocation.jsp). In
this jsp, I have the <bean:define> tag. 
The code is as follows:
In jsp: <bean:define id="somebean" name="logonForm"
property="selectBox1List" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
in struts-config file:
<form-bean name="logonForm"
type="" /> 
<action path="/logon"
type="" name="logonForm"
scope="session" input="f_Relocation.jsp" > 
<forward name="success" path="/success.jsp" /> 
<forward name="failure" path="/failure.jsp" /> 
Does anybody have an idea as to why I'm getting the following eror? Cannot
find bean logonForm in scope null error
I thought that by going through the login.jsp (which invokes my
actionservlet) and being directed from it to the f_Relcoation.jsp, I
wouldavoid this error.Can somebody help?

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