Hi All,

I am trying to take advantage of the new sub-application support with Struts
1.1b. There are several developers working on my current project and we all
have our own modules. This functionality will help us greatly with our
module integration. I am just trying to get up to speed on how to use this
functionality and have read a couple good threads in the archives. I have
followed the simple instructions, basically insert a new config <init-param>
to the struts <servlet> entry in the web.xml:



All my pages are nested within the WEB-INF directory and I have read that I
need to specify the "pagePattern" and "forwardPattern" in the <controller>
of the struts-config.xml in order to implement sub-apps. The thread stated I
specify "/WEB-INF/$A$P".

Could anyone provide an example of this setting and what it is doing, I
cannot find documentation relating to this in the User Guide.

I am also using the secure plug-in for http/https switching and the
validator plug-in.

Will all the sub-apps be able to use there own RequestProcessor or will they
all have to use the SecureRequestProcessor ?

Will all the sub-apps be able to specify there own validation-rules and
validation.xml eg:validation-rules-adim.xml/validation-admin.xml?

Thanks for your time,


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