I am at a crucial stage in the development of a web app and wondered
what the opinions of the group were regarding the velstruts tool and/or
velocity in general.

I like the velocity way of doing things but I'm wondering whether or not
I should stick with JSP as this seems to be the primary view portion for
Struts.  I have velstruts working and it seems OK, but will I be losing
out on some flexibility by going down this route?

I am aware of the Velocity Struts (veltag) integration where velocity
type language can be used within a JSP page.  This is something I would
like to avoid as it strikes me as being a touch confusing.  My main
concern is to have a clean seperation of view and model.  Velocity
_feels_ like it gives me this (with velstruts not veltag), although I'm
not sure why in particular.

Thoughts anyone?  Are there any velstruts users here?



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