> From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> From that, you'd think a 1.1 release was just around the corner!!
> However, it's not going to be that easy.  My Bugzilla query turns up
> 39 non-Enhancement open bugs against Struts.  Some of these are very
> old and may no longer be relevant.  (For example, a few refer to the
> original File Upload piece, while Struts now uses commons-fileupload.)

After reading this, I took a quick look at Bugzilla. It seems that a lot of
the bugs still marked as 'open' have actually had patches submitted. I don't
know if this is because the patches were found to be incorrect, but I didn't
see any comment to that effect during my quick trawl. So maybe the problem
is that bugs just aren't being closed when they're fixed.

> That said, Struts components like Tiles, Validator, and most
> recently, the EL version of the tag libraries were all dreamed up by
> someone who saw a need, and they were adopted into Struts because
> those people committed their own energy to making something happen.

Because of all these having been incorporated, I think Struts is now way
past something that should have been called a 1.1 release. According to the
release plan document, 1.1 beta 2 was supposed to be feature-complete; the
intent was to provide a stable base for bugfixes and documentation updates,
leading to the 1.1 final release. As someone pointed out earlier in this
thread, now that all of this additional (wonderful!) functionality has been
added it's much more like a 2.0 release.

> >The Release Plan page on the Jakarta site lists the bugs which are
> >officially targeted for a 1.1 release.  However, it's pretty out of
> >date.  Perhaps turning this into a living document would be a good
> >volunteer opportunity?
> I think this is a good idea - would be somewhere where people could just
go and know
> that they an clear and accurate picture of the current release status,
which they
> can take back into their discussions. Do others agree, and that this is
possible and
> practical?

I definitely agree that this would be useful. I would prefer it to go
slightly further though, into being a milestone plan along the same lines as
the one Mozilla has (i.e. to set out the features and bug fixes that are
targetted for the next N releases, rather than just the next one). I find
that gives a very clear picture of where the project is at. It does need to
be kept up to date, though...

Vilya Harvey, Consultant
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