I think the same:-)

A beta 3 would help us with the customer.


At 11:08 17.10.2002 +0100, Vilya Harvey wrote:
> >Because of all these having been incorporated, I think Struts is now way
> >past something that should have been called a 1.1 release. According to
> Well, a little perspective is necessary here -- Tiles and Validator
> have been in the 1.1 mix since well before 1.1.b2.  I do believe that
> the EL taglibs were added after 1.1b2, so maybe there's a bit of
> feature creep -- but they seem real handy if you have the liberty of
> using JSP 1.2 (wish I did...)

Don't get me wrong: I'm definitely not complaining about those features
being added. I think they're great! And because it's all contributed stuff,
it's not like it's taking up valuable development time that would otherwise
have been spent on improving the core. My only point is that Struts is doing
itself a disservice with it's current release numbering.

I'm fortunate in that my company has the good sense to use 1.1 despite the
fact that it's still called a beta; it seems that other readers of this list
are not so fortunate. But it would be a very hard sell to convince our
clients to let us use a nightly build of _anything_ in their applications.
Maybe it's just about time to flag a (stable) nightly build as beta 3?

> >I definitely agree that this would be useful. I would prefer it to go
> >slightly further though, into being a milestone plan along the same lines
> >the one Mozilla has (i.e. to set out the features and bug fixes that are
> >targetted for the next N releases, rather than just the next one). I find
> >that gives a very clear picture of where the project is at. It does need
> >be kept up to date, though...
> Do you have any time to offer towards creating such a plan?
> Everybody pitches in around here...

I will help in any way that I can, although my time _is_ limited.

> I think Mozilla has a much larger community, and does it have more
> people who get paid to work on it?

Yes, it does, but I'm not sure how relevant that is. It needn't be a highly
detailed plan: I would expect it to start off fairly general and add details
as milestones get closer.

> Not that it's not a good goal -- just that wishing won't make it so!


Vilya Harvey, Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 / digital steps /
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