On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, 4:05:45 PM, Antoni wrote:

AR> Hi, I don't speak english very very well, so this is a bit
AR> difficult for me to  explain, but I'll try ;-) ....

    No problem. Most American's don't speak English very well
    (including myself I'm sure:)

AR> I have'nt looked at the beanutils Converter registration, do you have to 
AR> register a class or an instance?

    It registers an instance one time in the static block at the top
    of the action:

static {
        DateBeanUtilsConverter dateConverter = new DateBeanUtilsConverter();
        dateConverter.setFormatPattern( "MMddyyyy" );
        StringBeanUtilsConverterDate myStringConverter = new 
        myStringConverter.setFormatPattern( "MMddyyyy" );
        ConvertUtils.register( dateConverter, java.util.Date.class );
        ConvertUtils.register( myStringConverter, String.class ); 
AR> The problem here is that if there is only one instance of your class, and 
AR> setFormatPattern is only called once, then if there are two request that 
AR> require the use of your class a the same time, served by different threads, 
AR> the parse method in your instance of SimpleDateFormat might be called 
AR> concurrently, so (as it isn't thread save) it might fail.

    I'm not sure how this would happen as Eddie have both pointed out
    that the static block will only get called one time regardless of
    how many instances are created (at least on a single JVM I'm
    pretty sure that's the case). (On top of that I'm pretty sure on
    one JVM user's all share one servlet instance unless you maybe use
    that SingleThreadModel which I think hands them out from a pool.
    Moot point though I think if I do the stuff in the static block.
    But I could be wrong).



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