Do you have the "errors.header" and "errors.footer" properties in your file?  I don't believe they are required, but it's 
something to look at.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ali Khan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:18 PM
> Subject: Question about ActionErrors & <html:errors>
> Hi,
> have made an simple struts-application. I got one problem.
> That is when my actionerrors are shown generated with 
> <html:errors />, 
> it shows null in start and in the end of the error-messages. Don't 
> understand why the null's occur ? It shows like this:
> ----------------
> null Definition not filled
> Paymenttype not filled
> null
> -----------------
> Here is my code:
> ---
> In ActionForm:
>   public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
>                                  HttpServletRequest request) {
>         ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>         if(paymenttype == null || "".equals(paymenttype)){
>             errors.add("paymenttype",new 
> ActionError("errors.typename"));
>         }
>         if(definition == null || "".equals(definition)){
>             errors.add("definition",new 
> ActionError("errors.comment"));
>         }
>         return errors;
>     }
> ---
> In
> errors.typename=<b>Definition not filled</b><br>
> errors.comment=<b>Paymenttype not filled</b><br>
> -----
> In web.xml:
> ...................
> ...................
> <init-param>
>          <param-name>application</param-name>
>          <param-value>ApplicationResources</param-value>
>    </init-param>
> ...................
> .................
> All help appreciated.
> Thanx.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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