* Ali Khan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi,
> have made an simple struts-application. I got one problem.
> That is when my actionerrors are shown generated with <html:errors />, 
> it shows null in start and in the end of the error-messages. Don't 
> understand why the null's occur ? It shows like this:
> ----------------
> null Definition not filled
> Paymenttype not filled
> null

Struts is trying to set in the errors.header and errors.footer message
keys. But they are not defined.

> In ApplicationResources.properties:
> errors.typename=<b>Definition not filled</b><br>
> errors.comment=<b>Paymenttype not filled</b><br>

Add also:
errors.header = These errors occured:<ul>
errors.footer = </ul>

you get the idea...

Hope this helps,

Anders Hermansen
YoYo Mobile as

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