No takers?

> Hi guys,
> I've had a good look through the archives (and in fact pretty much the
> of Usenet!) and I find several mentions of my problem similar to my own,
> no solutions.
> Please bear with me and read "parameter" as "parameter/attribute", I still
> haven't quite got the distinction concrete in my mind as yet!
> The problem is as follows:
> 1. I have a form for uploading multiple files, initially the user GETs the
> page with the form, the URL for this form has a URL encoded parameter for
> target folderId in my database.  This folderId parameter is added as a
> hidden input in the form on the generated page. (
> 2. The user selects a number of files to upload using:
> <form name="upload" action="" encoding="multipart/form-data">
>     <input type="file" name="uploadFile_n">
>     etc...
>     <input type="hidden" name="folderId" value="n"/>
>     Submit...
> </form>
> The user then hits the upload button to POST the form.
> 3. The UploadAction receives the POST request, processes each file and
> the ForwardAction to the same page (my users may want to upload
> more files), the folderId is again added as a hidden input into the form,
> and the URL encoded parameter is now gone.
> 4. Step 2 happens again. Parameter folderId is still there in the form.
> 5. Step 3 happens again. Parameter folderId is still there attached to the
> request.
> 6. Step 2 happens again. Parameter folderId is *definitely* still there in
> the form, I have checked the HTML source!
> 7. Step 3 loses the plot, the getParameter("folderId") and
> getAttribute("folderId") both return null!  The parameter is no longer
> attached to the request nor are any of the file parameters present.
> the usual struts attributes are attached as expected.
> The form is very definitely being POSTed and the form definitely has the
> hidden input and the file inputs present, but at some point before my
> Action's performActionOnMultipartForm () method is being called, the
> parameters disappear into the Ether...
> I have reproduced this problem consistently, on reach occasion i upload
> same files (one each time) all three are JPEG images 500Kb, 1Mb and 2.1Mb
> size respectively, is the file size a problem?
> Frankly I am very confused, and would really appreciate any light that
> anyone can show on this, a solution would earn my undying gratitude :)
> Regards,
> Chris Cooper
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