There's a bug report on this issue:

This only happens when reloading the app and will be fine in production.


--- "David G. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As you may know from my posts, I'm new to Struts.  So, I'm compiling a
> little, reloading my app, compiling more, loading my app, and so forth. 
> Somewhere between reloads ('stop' and then 'start', not 'reload' in the
> Tomcat manager), 20 to 30, I end up getting tomcat errors about being
> 'Out of Memory'.
> I only have 5-6 simple (we're talking basic here) classes and one
> session-based ActionForm I'm using for everything (10 strings in it,
> that's it).
> Other than that, I only have the Stock Struts 1.1 final tiles plug-in,
> the stock v1.1 final validator plug-in, and the recent hibernate plug-in
> from the bluemars site.  I've reset the ms/mx to 64/128 MB and even
> 64/256 MB in my but zilch.  Anyone have any suggestions on
> how to debut this?  I sure won't be able to deploy until I figure out
> what's causing the memory leak on my Linux system: Struts 1.1 final,
> Tomcat 4.1.27, Sun JDK 1.4.2, Hibernate 2.0.2 (stable).
> Btw, I'd take out Hibernate but I need it.  Besides, there are no
> warnings about memory problems I've been able to dig up on those
> versions of the tools I'm using. Unless I'm totally missing an obvious
> post on the lists and archives (and 'Net) that I'm searching through.
> Thanks again for any suggestions.
> Regards,
> David
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