We are working on a portal site that has integrated content management for admin 
users.  We are trying to use Struts together with a portal framework... use the portal 
framework to deliver the pages for end users, and use the Struts framework to process 
our submit forms.   So our interaction will be as follows:

1.  User views a "read-only" page delivered by the portal framework (portal URL) with 
content on it.  the User clicks an [Edit] link.
2.  User views an edit page delivered by the portal framework (portal URL); the page 
contains a form defined by Struts tags.
3.  User submits the form; this goes to a Struts action for processing (struts URL).
4.  (if validation fails) user is returned to the form page with the validation 
message; the URL is the same struts URL as 3, which is fine.
5.  (if validation succeeds) user returns to the "read-only" page.  Here we want the 
user to go back to the URL in 1, which is a portal URL with request parameters.

At this point, we want the user at a non-Struts URL so that they can copy and paste 
the URL to send to a non-admin user for viewing.

I have the following sample set up in my struts-config:
<form-bean  name="helloForm"  type="com.medtronic.sem.strutstest.HelloForm"/>

<action  path="/hello"
  <forward name="success" 
  <forward name="failure" 

This works as far as getting the user back to a non-Struts URL, but I really want to 
take that base "success" URL and tack on some additional parameters before we 
re-direct( such as &category=HR&itemid=9874324934).

I have searched the list archives, but didn't find much on this.  Some people had the 
Action class build the new URL with the request parameters, but others objected that 
this broke proper separation - the Action now knows about the View, and that's bad.

Can anyone suggest a "proper" approach for this within Struts?  Is it more proper to 
create our own ActionForward that can re-build the request URL based on session 
information, and then do the re-direct?  Is what we are trying to do currently beyond 
the scope of what you can do "properly" using Struts?

Thanks much,


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