Your best bet is to ask this question on the tomcat user list since it's
really a tomcat issue.  My suggestion would be to put apache in front of
Tomcat and create a mapping for the jk to map javapps/* to tomcat.  OT:
javapps makes no sense, I'd use /javaapps or /java or /apps.  And when are
longer URLs better? ;-)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: Urgent: Changing URLs for existing struts project

Hi All
I am currently running tomcat4.1.27 and apache1.3.x. I am using struts. I
used call my webapplication "xyz" using Now company has
decided that pople should be able to access this webapplication through
the URL Do i need to change the whole architecture now or
should i be able to do it easily. I have tried to create a directory under
/var/tomcat4/webapps/ as japps/xyz and pointed my ".war" file to this
directory. But tomcat is not able to map this URL at all. Please help me
find a solution to this problem.

Thanx in advance


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