This is a simple HTTP issue.
When you did the mouseover I'm assuming that you have javascript that
changes the img using something like:
Img.src = 'http://blah/something.gif'
That will end up as a network call to get that resource and since the globe
and status bar only shows the status of the last request it will show the
result from the img request.
Adam might be right in that different browsers might handle it differently
Something else you can try to do is to preload any images. (Look up
javascript preload images on google.. Its really easy).
That *might* prevent it from showing on the status.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:39 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Browser stops processing?

On 10/23/2003 07:07 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       I have a problem with my site(JSPs) which I hope someone can help me
> with.
> I clicked on a link to perform some transaction, which may take a quite a
> few seconds to process(cos it links to old legacy systems), and before the
> transaction is complete, I mouse over an image on the current page, which
> causes the image to change as expected, HOWEVER the browser's progress
> indicator (top right twirling thing) stops and it says "done" at the
> left.
>  At this point it seems the browser is finished and nothing is happening,
> but  only when th previous transaction is complete, the page automatically
> redirects to the resulting page associated with the previous transaction.
> I know that this probably has nothing to do with STRUTS, but I'm hoping
> some one may have come across this and may know a solution ofr this.
> any help would be great.

have you tested this in different browsers? The results could be 
radically different in Mozilla, for instance.

If in doubt about what is being processed, just put logging statements 
at the end of your JSPs or Actions to check that they are executed 
properly. If not, then check the logs for exceptions and stack traces.

BTW if you feel something is off-topic, just put OT in the subject since 
this allows people who are too busy to skip it and avoids you getting 
any annoyed responses - well, normally. However you may well have a 
struts problem here. Does the page concerned come from struts?


struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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