Have you looked at the DisplayTag Libray?


mohamed ebrahim faisal wrote:



I would like to display the form data in JSP using logic:iterate tags.

Consider the following situation

ArrayList ar = form.getInfoContents();

for(int i=0;i<ar.length;i++)
HashMap row = (HashMap) ar.get(i);
<td><html:text property="name" value="<%=(String) row.get("name") %>" />
<td><html:text property="age" value="<%=(String) row.get("age") %>" />
<td><html:text property="address" value="<%=(String) row.get("address") %>" />


In the above code i am getting a property of type ArrayList whose elements are of type HashMap, where each HashMap object represents a record.

It works fine , but i want above code purely in struts tag logic:iterate or some other technique.

I tried the following and it worked fine

<logic:iterate name="beanname" id="persons" property="infoContents">
         <logic:iterate name="persons" id="row" >
                <bean:write name="row" />

But in the above case i am not able to associate every value in the HashMap object ie, "row" to a corresponding property like i got using for loop

<td><html:text property="name" value="<%=(String) row.get("name") %>" />
<td><html:text property="age" value="<%=(String) row.get("age") %>" />
<td><html:text property="address" value="<%=(String) row.get("address") %>" />


please someone help me out and give the approach to solve the problem



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