Best practice is not to code to JDBC. (Just like do not code to servlet but to Struts).
Best practice is to USE a DAO, like iBatis or Hibernate, thus not having to code to low level API, but just the application itself and use persistence, as opposed to bit twiddling. Take a look at DB Layer .PDF on

Sasha Borodin wrote:
You could use a PreparedStatement, which automatically escapes single
quotes, I believe:

String sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO table1 (col1) VALUES (?)";

pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlStmt);
pstmt.setString(1, someStringWhichMightHaveQuotes);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();



On 10/24/03 09:42, "Manuel Lenz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I create DB-Inserts from my struts application.
But If an user types in the sign ' any dynamicly created inserts fail.
This ist because of the sql-syntax which divides the string which will be
saved with '.

For example: insert into table test (name, number) values ('mr burns',

How can I handle inserts in html-formulars which have the typed sign ' ?


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-- Victor Cekvenich, Struts Instructor (215) 321-9146

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