
I got it, a simple

  <input type="hidden" name="requestedPage" value="${pageContext.request.servletPath}">

did the trick. I guess I shouldn't try to use struts tags too hard...


Monday, November 3, 2003, 12:29:11 PM, you wrote:
AB> I already tried this, it does not work. Basically, it should be the
AB> same as

AB>   <html:hidden property="requestedPage">
AB>     ${pageContext.request.servletPath}
AB>   </html:hidden>
AB> or

AB>   <html:hidden property="requestedPage"
AB> value="${pageContext.request.servletPath}"/>

AB> which are both not working. Is this some stutsbug? Why is the
AB> html:hidden tag marked in the tld file with a rtexpressions=false?

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