Am Montag, 17. November 2003 22:48 schrieb Daniel Blumenthal:


> i've been looking into adding blogging functionality to my website
> (which uses struts), and one which was suggested was pmachine
> ( however, this uses php, and this
> raised the question of how/if it was possible to use php with struts.
> (obviously, i can just specify a php page instead of a jsp, but how
> do i get dynamic data without relying on the jsp tags?)

As soon as you leave the Java world, the only means of passing
dynamic content is the 'traditional' way, i.e. parameters. You lose
everything from page to application scopes and won't be able
to use attributes (Objects) in particular, as those reside inside
the VM's memory and thus are inaccessible from PHP. If you
absolutely have to pass complex information between the PHP
app and the Java part, one possible suggestion might be to
use a database or other third-party serialization target both of
them can access (in lack of a database, an XML file, perhaps).
Generally, I won't recommend this, for there may be all kinds
of synchronization and security issues involved. Don't know
if PHP can handle this, but this also might be a situation where
Web Services may be helpful. Anyway, the overhead involved
in both cases is much too big for a private site. IMHO it's better
to look for a Java-based blog solution.

> is this incredibly easy? impossible? is there some weird chaining
> process that i have to go through? or is there another blogging tool
> which doesn't use php which i should use instead?

Admitting I kind of hate both blogs and PHP in general, I'm still
pretty sure there are Java-based blog solutions around.

The first thing I'd do is to check out Google and then, as always. Or, lately. 

> daniel

-- Chris.

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