Hi Caroline,

the only reason that I know of which would explain the loss of the form property values is redirecting from action1 to action2, but your action mappings don't show redirect="true".

Are you redirecting by default somehow? I know it is possible for instance with an init-param on your action servlet config in web.xml.

PS Andrew - limited action chaining isn't that bad. Are you claiming you don't do any at all?

On 11/19/2003 09:55 AM Caroline Lauferon wrote:
I don't understand what is happening: I am chaining to Actions that use the
same form input. when i submit the form, Action1 is called, and the form
parameter is well populated. at the end of action1, I make a forward to
Action2. and in Action2, the form is emptied!!???
I don't understand what is happening, and why. the solution I have found is
not to specify a form bean for action2 and get it by
request.getAttribute("MyForm"). i t works, but I would like to understand
why struts creates a new form bean, overriding the existing one.
I hope someone will explain me.

PS: here is a snippet of struts-config.xml, Action1.java and Action2.java

<action path="/action1" type="package.Action1" name="MyForm"
   <forward name="ok" path="/action2.do"/>
 <action path="/action2" type="package.Action2"  name="MyForm"
scope="request"> >
   <forward name="ok" path="nextpage"/>

/// Action1
MyForm f = (MyForm ) a_form;
s_logger.info("f.getField1() : "+ f.getField1()); // outputs a value

/// Action2
MyForm f = (MyForm ) a_form;
s_logger.info("f.getField1() : "+ f.getField1()); // outputs null

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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