Cant be redirecting though. If it was then one would not be able to retrieve
the form object from the request attributes in the second action.
My guess it that the parameters in question are being set in the first
action and there isnt actually a corresponding parameter value in the
request and they are then cleared by reset() prior toi hitting action 2. Is
this the case Caroline?

PS Andrew - limited action chaining isn't that bad. Are you claiming you
don't do any at all?

Ah.. ahem, well I....
Im only human, and sometimes ... well you know...  but its not something Im
proud of ok.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 17:11
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: chained actions

Hi Caroline,

the only reason that I know of which would explain the loss of the form
property values is redirecting from action1 to action2, but your action
mappings don't show redirect="true".

Are you redirecting by default somehow? I know it is possible for
instance with an init-param on your action servlet config in web.xml.

PS Andrew - limited action chaining isn't that bad. Are you claiming you
don't do any at all?

On 11/19/2003 09:55 AM Caroline Lauferon wrote:
> I don't understand what is happening: I am chaining to Actions that use
> same form input. when i submit the form, Action1 is called, and the form
> parameter is well populated. at the end of action1, I make a forward to
> Action2. and in Action2, the form is emptied!!???
> I don't understand what is happening, and why. the solution I have found
> not to specify a form bean for action2 and get it by
> request.getAttribute("MyForm"). i t works, but I would like to understand
> why struts creates a new form bean, overriding the existing one.
> I hope someone will explain me.
> Caroline
> PS: here is a snippet of struts-config.xml, and
> <action path="/action1" type="package.Action1" name="MyForm"
> scope="request">
>    <forward name="ok" path="/"/>
> </action>
>  <action path="/action2" type="package.Action2"  name="MyForm"
> scope="request"> >
>    <forward name="ok" path="nextpage"/>
> </action>
> /// Action1
> MyForm f = (MyForm ) a_form;
>"f.getField1() : "+ f.getField1()); // outputs a value
> /// Action2
> MyForm f = (MyForm ) a_form;
>"f.getField1() : "+ f.getField1()); // outputs null

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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