"Konrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello.
> In my custom taglib's doStartTag() method, I stored a
> value in the session, as follows:
> CustomTag
> =========
> public void doStartTag() {
> this.pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("endIdx",new
> Integer(9));

Try this instead:

    pageContext.setAttribute("endIdx", new Integer(9),

Martin Cooper

> }
> I am trying to reference that value in JSTL's
> <c:forEach> tag, as in the following .jsp snippet:
> test.jsp
> ========
> <my:custom/>  <!-- just calls/executes the CustomTag
> -->
> <c:forEach var="card" items="${cards}" begin="0"
> end="${endIdx}">
>    <c:out value="${card.name}"/>
> </c:forEach>
> Basically, above, I am trying to dynamically set the
> ending index of the forEach tag, based on the value
> calculated in CustomTag.
> However, forEach's "end" attribute is resolving to 0
> instead of 9, which was set in the CustomTag's
> doStartTag() method.
> Is there a way to ensure that CustomTag executes "in
> advance" such that forEach's "end" tag can correctly
> reference the value set in the session?
> Thank you.
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