The reason is jsps are not compiled when you hit the pages the first time.So the first 
call will always be slow as it alos has to compile jsps.The subsequent calls will use 
the compiled jsps and hence faster.

Some server/ServletEngines have the option to precompile jsps.



-----Original Message-----
From: Satya Narayan Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:13 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: Vic Cekvenich
Subject: Re: Re: Performace Improvement :: Struts based applications


I have done the testing of the view layer. And what is peculiar is when i am hitting 
the ServletEngine for the first time, then it takes a lot of time, but subsequent hits 
take less time. 

Is it because the ActionServlet is not initiliazed, though I have started the engine?

I would like to know if any recommended technique is given to improve the performance.


On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 Vic Cekvenich wrote :
>Unit test the performance of the model layer.
>Satya Narayan Dash wrote:
>>I am in the process of improving a struts based application. I am using the cache 
>>taglib (from apache) and have written some filters to improve the performace. 
>>I am using Apache2 as the web-sever and Tomcat4 as the servelt/jsp engine. I have 
>>optimized them both.
>>But the peformance improvement is not substantial. Can you please give me some tips 
>>to improve the performance ? 
>>Need your help,
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