I have precompiled JSPs. So I do not see any problem due to that. Rather I feel, the 
intialization of stuts resources are taking time.

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
>The reason is jsps are not compiled when you hit the pages the first time.So the 
>first call will always be slow as it alos has to compile jsps.The subsequent calls 
>will use the compiled jsps and hence faster.
>Some server/ServletEngines have the option to precompile jsps.
>-----Original Message-----
> From: Satya Narayan Dash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:13 PM
>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>Cc: Vic Cekvenich
>Subject: Re: Re: Performace Improvement :: Struts based applications
>I have done the testing of the view layer. And what is peculiar is when i am hitting 
>the ServletEngine for the first time, then it takes a lot of time, but subsequent 
>hits take less time.
>Is it because the ActionServlet is not initiliazed, though I have started the engine?
>I would like to know if any recommended technique is given to improve the performance.
>On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 Vic Cekvenich wrote :
> >Unit test the performance of the model layer.
> >.V
> >
> >Satya Narayan Dash wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I am in the process of improving a struts based application. I am using the cache 
> >>taglib (from apache) and have written some filters to improve the performace.
> >>I am using Apache2 as the web-sever and Tomcat4 as the servelt/jsp engine. I have 
> >>optimized them both.
> >>
> >>But the peformance improvement is not substantial. Can you please give me some 
> >>tips to improve the performance ?
> >>Need your help,
> >>Regards,
> >>Satya.
> >
> >
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