I am a struts newbie, but have done a few forms in Struts.
In my current application, for a particular form when I click the Submit button the 
form gets submitted to itself, and all the textboxes I had filled before submitting 
get cleared. It doesnot go to VendorEntry.do
I am using DBCP to connect to mySQL

Can anybody please help me out. I have already invested a lot of time in it.

The "VendorEntryAction.java" & " VendorEntryForm.java" have been successfuly compiled 
n I am ready with these classes

following is a snap from         vendorEntry.jsp -----> the 1 which has the problem

<html:form action="<action input="/vendorEntry.jsp" name="vendorEntryForm"
   path="/VendorEntry" type="vendor.VendorEntryAction">
   <forward name="detailsentered" path="/detailsenteredsuccessfully.jsp"/>
   <forward name="alreadyexists" path="/alreadyreg.jsp"/>
   <forward name="cudnotinsert" path="/erroroccured.jsp"/>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    ----------- text boxes
    -----------n Submit button

Entry in My struts-config.xml for this jsp looks like this...

    ---------------other entries
     <form-bean name="vendorEntryForm" type="vendor.VendorEntryForm"/>

<action input="/vendorEntry.jsp" name="vendorEntryForm"
   path="/VendorEntry" type="vendor.VendorEntryAction">
   <forward name="detailsentered" path="/detailsenteredsuccessfully.jsp"/>
   <forward name="alreadyexists" path="/alreadyreg.jsp"/>
   <forward name="cudnotinsert" path="/erroroccured.jsp"/>

Please tell me the probabale reasons. 

Thanks in advance.


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