W dniu 14.09.2016 o 16:45, Dave Gradwell pisze:
> My Stunnel client gets to this point, then hangs indefinitely:
> SSL state (connect): SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
> Is this a fault with Stunnel or is it something I’m doing wrong
> My stunnel-sender.conf:
> """""""""""""""""""
> debug = 7
> output = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/sender-stunnel-output.log
> foreground = yes
> client = yes
> connect = localhost:874
> cert = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/cert.pem
> verify = 0
> """""""""""""""""""
> My stunnel-receiver.conf:
> """""""""""""""""""
> debug = 7
> output = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/receiver-stunnels-output.log
> pid = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/stunnel-rsyncd-stunnels.pid
> cert = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/cert.pem
> verify = 0
> delay = yes
> exec = /Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/rsync
> execArgs = -vvvv --daemon --server --config=/Users/dave/Desktop/stunnel-test/stunnel-rsyncd.conf .
> foreground = yes
> client = no
> """""""""""""""""""

I think you should pay attention to the execArgs option, turn off the foreground mode and connect the client to the server (not localhost).


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