> also, i don't understand Tomaz' idea about the Grantlee extension, so
> perhaps we need to investigate into that as well.
> it probably uses QTableView Qt's Model-View-X pattern, which i don't
> like that much, yet Subsurface already uses it pretty much everywhere!

Grantlee *is* a HTML + CSS template engine that integrates with Qt.
it follows Django template scheme, so it's very flexible and easy to extend

for instance, we could do something like this in grantlee:


<header> ... </header>
   < h1 > {{ dive.where }} </h1>
   < h2 > {{ dive.buddy }} </h2>

( yes, very short example )

and let the grantlee template system do it's magic.

I'm -1 for depending on tex because it's a huge package and a mess to
install it on windows

Quite a lot of the issues we had on the painter side was when we depended
on Qt4, since now we are depending on qt5 we can look if the issues are
still happening.
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