Thanx guys,
for all the comments.

We are using the USB-CDC package from ST for our STM32F4. It comes with a driver for the PC that make a COM port, for linux it should work the standard linux kernel !? At the moment it is ok for us, but I am looking for a way to have the USB also work with PCs standard driver config.

My kids are studying in Munich, may be we can meet in the next weeks. The housing of oDiCo is made from plexiglas version 0.1 and filled with silicon oel. The next housing 0.2 will be milled from POM and the electronic will be an industry factored PCB. Awating to have it in the lake in June ...

I had also the idea to implement the dive computer as USB mass storage, but there a some more things to consider. In the moment we are looking for a straight forward way. Because serial is running already we prefer to use a already available protocol like the "SeaBear", you've mentioned. We use the STM32F$ USB port without additional electronic, so we are open for further improvements.

Any idea were I can find that SeaBear-spec in the mailing list, or just ask Miika ?


Am 12.03.2015 um 19:41 schrieb Gabriel Rossetti:

This is interesting, I was starting to research on how to do that, what kind of board, sensors, screen, etc. I wanted one that vibrates, wireless charging, nfc or bluetooth and has a rechargable battery (for freediving). I will look at you link later.

Good luck, I will follow your advances.

On 12 Mar 2015 18:46, "Thomas Schrein" < <>> wrote:

    Hi list,

    me and some friends are developing a DIY diving computer at the

    See link (only in German at the moment):

    We intent to have it as a hardware platform for open source diving
    software development. We are thinking to have it available as a
    kit in a few month.
    The software is in a alpha status, using Bühlmann ZHL16 Deco.
    Odico uses a CORTEX M4 processor and can be programmed/debugged
    from outside with CooCox.
    We have made about 10 dives with hardware release OH0.1, deepest
    47m/150ft. It's works fine, very reliable :-)

    USB virtual com port is used for the communication with a PC.
    "subsurface-divelog" seems to be good software/project for a Pc
    front end and we would like to use it for odico.
    So next is to implement a protocol into odico, compatible with

    So we have some questions:
    Which protocol do you recommend us to implement into odico ?
    One idea is UDDF/UDCF, is this a good approach ?
    I also found some specs for the Suunto protocol and OSTC; is it
    better to implement this ?
    Other suggestions ?

    I am very keen about your comments.

    Thomas Schrein

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