Hi Dirk,

> On 11 Jun 2015, at 15:23, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
> The save in the background when quitting is dangerous. On a larger data
> set / slow connection this can take a while - I hate it when software does
> something like this and then "hangs" instead of closing.

I agree. But OTOH you are always the person to point out that the vast majority 
of our users are not hackers. My single data point: My dad can use dropbox, but 
he would not use git or anything like that where you need a mental image of a 
local and a remote repository and the various ways their state can be in 
relation to each other (and yes, my dad new already how to program a computer 
before I was born and he still does, occasionally).

Let me ask this: Is there a danger that when a push is hard killed in the 
middle it leaves any of the repositories in a state that need manual care? How 
much is it transaction based? If not I would not worry and possibly kill it 
(maybe with a warning „quitting now will abort the cloud sync currently in 
progress. you have 10seconds to cancel the abort“).


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