> The reason we explored QtBluetooth was that I was told that in Qt5.5 it
> was going to support all our platforms. It appears that this was wrong an
> it supports all except for Windows :-(

Well, no.. Sorry to disappoint you. For Qt 5.5 it is planned
to offer support for iOS and OS X and a stable Bluetooth
Low Energy API. I mentioned this on the proposal and the fact
that for Windows we will need to use the MS BT stack.

> OK. How are you going to implement the OS X Bluetooth stack in
> libdiveceomputer? How about Android? And (here's hoping) IOS?

If we want to have support for this platforms, probably the best
choice will be to use the Qt Bluetooth API and let the framework
to deal with the differences between the platforms. Because of this
I believe that it is a good idea for libdivecomputer to let the
application to open its custom communication implementation or to
be able to pass callbacks for basic read/write operations.
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