I am  sorting out the Github mechanism for myself.

Two questions:

1) The upstream repository. Currently there are two such repositories:

i) git://subsurface.hohndel.org/subsurface.git  [git has the label "origin"]

ii) https://github.com/Subsurface-divelog/subsurface [git has the label "upstream"]

What is the current relationship between these two repositories?

I assume I should only be concerned with the github upstream.

If I do:

$ git remote -v

I get:

fork    https://github.com/willemferguson/subsurface (fetch) [this comes from doing git remote add fork https://github.com/willemferguson/subsurface ]
fork    https://github.com/willemferguson/subsurface (push)
origin    git://subsurface.hohndel.org/subsurface.git (fetch)
origin    git://subsurface.hohndel.org/subsurface.git (push)
upstream    https://github.com/Subsurface-divelog/subsurface (fetch)
upstream    https://github.com/Subsurface-divelog/subsurface (push)

2) I gather, to sync my fork on Github with upstream, I fetch the upstream master into the local copy on my laptop, then I push from my local copy to the forked version in my own Github account. Then the fork in my github account is synced with the upstream master.

If I have no changes of my own in my local copy, I can pull from upstream master into my own laptop copy and push to the fork on Github. Dirk's on this topic email warns against doing a fetch followed by merge at this stage.

git checkout upstream/master [I get message error: pathspec 'upstream/master' did not match any file(s) known to git ]

git pull upstream/master  [error: fatal: 'upstream/master' does not appear to be a git repository]

git push fork/master

# [ Now sync is also done ]

Comment or insults on my stupidity, please?

Kind regards,


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