I have pushed what I hope will be the final builds of Subsurface-mobile 2.0.1 
( to both TestFlight and GooglePlay Beta channel.
I'm too tired to write announcements and publish them tonight. If someone feels 
ambitious and wants to draft the announcement, more power to you.

I know these builds aren't perfect (the BLE addresses on iOS pretty much 
prevent you from seeing the dive computer name on iOS for example), but I felt 
we really needed to get this into people's hands.
We should try to clean up some of the remaining issues over the next few weeks 
and do a 2.0.2 release that gets things to a sane and stable state.

Assuming I don't spend too much time on that release, I'll also release 
Subsurface 4.7.5 tomorrow. I need to finalize the RelaseNotes (again, if 
someone wants to send a PR for that, my deepest appreciation will be yours) and 
make sure I have everything in line for a release. And then go through the 
semi-painful process of triggering all the builds and writing THAT announcement.

Thanks everyone for all the help. The pace of Subsurface development has 
noticeably picked up. I really, really am enjoying that.

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