On 2019/03/17 18:23, Alexander Maier wrote:

I have a problem with Subsurface 4.8.5 on Windows with the Cloud Service:

1.) I opened the Cloud Storage -> ok.
2.) I saved to the Cloud Storage -> ok.
3.) I imported 2 dives from my Galileo Luna (with Trimix Update) -> ok
4.) I saved to the Cloud Storage -> Error: „divecomputer tree insert failed“.

I use my windows notebook due to the need of the IrDa device for my Galileo Luna.

5.) I saved the logbook -> ok
6.) I copied the logbook file to my MacBook an imported to Subsurface 4.8.5
7.) I save to the Cloud Storage -> ok

I tested on my iPhone -> Cloud Storage ok incl. the new two devices.

Does anybody have the same problems?



Alexander Maier

It appears that you are importing dives from the Luna directly to the cloud. I suspect it is not a problem with the Luna (I have an identical dc but I use Linux and never import directly to the cloud). I would suggest follow a different sequence:

Open your local dive log (the one on your machine, NOT the one on the cloud). Then import from the Luna. Save to local dive log. Then save local dive log to cloud.

This will show whether the problem occurs after importing from Luna or when saving to cloud.

Kind regards,


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