2009/4/22 NoiseEHC <noise...@freemail.hu>:
> I think most of those effects can be just as easily be done by the 2D engine 
> (like what the Geode has). Of course it would need a LOT of coding, like 
> killing the stupid X driver model with the X server process, using a 
> compositing windows manager, rewriting GTK+ to use some form of retained 
> rendering mode (like a super optimized Cairo library with some scene manager 
> functionality) and finally fixing all of those GTK applications which became 
> buggy because of this rendering change. Oh yeah, almost forgotten that moving 
> to OpenGL would need just the same amount of work.

Actually, GNOME 3.0 is moving into that direction (requiring OpenGL):



> So not only would it chew trough the XO 1.5's battery like crazy but it would 
> not run on the XO 1.0 so does it really worth that effort?
> Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Martin Dengler
> <mar...@martindengler.com> wrote:
> Imagine if it actually looked like the demo:
> http://www.sugarlabs.org/index.php?template=gallery&page=media_01
> Exactly my thoughts. There are a couple of things we have to be
> mindful of as we step into the wild 3D world...
>  - memory footprint -- those smooth transitions count on having
> various full-screen buffers, one for each screen you might want to
> slide smoothly into.
>  - batery burn -- the OpenGL API was originally designed for high end
> workstations, and has some battery-depleting features such as a hi-res
> timer event that triggers all the time and prevents sleep
> The iPhone uses these smooth UI tricks (to a fantastic effect), and
> its battery life is a fraction of every other phone -- I'd say that
> the 3D niceness is part of the reason why.
> cheers,
> m
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