> The only problem I see is that the same name is used to denominate a
> community project and a private initiative. These are two different
> things but not different enough to avoid confusion.
> I'm not talking right now about name ownership, that's why I listed as
> a possible solution that the community project drops the "sugar on a
> stick" name and chooses something else. Each possible solution has its
> own upsides and downsides but I'm not there yet, I'm only exposing the
> problem for now. Do we agree we are now in a confusing situation that
> unless we solve it will have bad consequences for all?

How about sugaronastick.com for the private initiative and
sugaronastick.org for the upstream community project ?

Lot's of FOSS projects do that.

And I guess that Caroline and her crew from sugaronastick.com will
participate actively in the community SoaS.

If this is not a far-away derivative, couldn't that work ?


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Sugar-devel mailing list

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