On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 08:27:46PM -0400, Caroline Meeks wrote:
> As I work with educators to create and write up curriculum we will discover
> problems.  They will be a mixture of Sugar, Activities, SoaS and confusion.
> There are a bunch of ways we could deal with it.
> 2. Everything is first posted to IAEP

Please please don't do this - IAEP gets enough SoaS/distro noise as

> 3. Everyone tells me everything and I try to decide where to put it which
> has obvious problems

This is it.  If you imagine you're the deployment, you have to
communicate "upstream".  I don't think, realistically, it's scalable
for every deployment to do anything else.

> 4. Everything is put into Trac

No, then trac (Sugar) becomes a dumping ground that includes a lot of
"downstream" (SoaS, etc.) issues.

Triage suggestions (but I'm not the expert):

> For example todays issues
>    - Record is not recording audio - probably hardware SoaS issue.

SoaS bug tracker.

>    - Colors journal entries are not showing up as an image so I can't import
>    it into another program like Cartoon Builder.

Activity author / mailing list.

>    - Cartoon builder is cool, I want to make my own characters but it seems
>    really hard in Sugar to draw a bit, save, draw a bit more, save under a new
>    name, how can I do that more easily.

Activity author / mailing list.

>    - I'd like to save a figure out of FlipSticks and put him into cartoon
>    builder. Is there a way to save a flipstick image?

Activity author / mailing list.

> Thanks,
> Caroline


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