Hi Gary

Thank you for the link.
I already guessed that it can't be true that such an activity would not exist. My mistake was that I missed to search for the term osm on the Wiki of Sugar. How could I be so blind?

I will test it when I toy with SOAS.

On 2 Mar 2014, at 18:00, Christian Stroetmann<stroetm...@ontolab.com>  wrote:


Today, I wondered if there is already an activity that is related with the Open 
Street Map (OSM; [1]).
I search the Wiki of Sugar Labs and the Activities, but got no results for the 
search terms open street, openstreet and osm.
Has anybody informations about this?
If there is not such an activity I would like to propose such an activity as 
well, because IMO it is definitely a most have.
I even would like to propose it as a feature of Sugar.
The Map [1] activity supports OSM data (and others), not sure how stable it is 
under current Sugar builds as it was worked on some time ago.

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Map


Christian Stroetmann
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