Hi Gonzalo

This paragraph is a little off-topic:
I do not think so that ideas are overvalued. Quite contrary, ideas are an essential part of arts and economics and hence of culture. Without ideas and their presentations there is no start to discuss and to implement something at all. Seen from this point of view, the general problem is not how to program, but what to program.

This paragraph is a little on-topic:
Also, the Feature process gives a mandatory protocol, so that in the end an idea can be realized/implemented in an ordered way. Despite our different point of views about the value of ideas, I think this specific protocol is a good way to start things by presenting an idea in the first step. After the community decided that an idea is valuable, we can talk about the requirement specification and later about its implementation.

In this respect, I say that ideas talk first, codes talk later. ;)

This paragraph is on-topic:
Because I already expected that there is an activity that is able to handle OSM data (see also the information given by Gary Martin), I am also thinking about a feature that is basically an extension of the Neighborhood view or even a fifth view called for example (Sugar) Earth, (Sugar) World, (Sugar) Cosmos or (Sugar) Paracosm (see [2]; my favorite in conjunction with (creativity and ideas of) children) on top of the Neighborhood view. This feature has also to be seen in conjunction with the other proposed feature of a ZUI metaphor for Sugar (see the related thread started on the 1st of March 2014). Both the fifth view and the ZUI fit together perfectly, because often digital globes and digital world maps are based on the ZUI metaphor (see [1]).

As it can be seen, this is a larger feature that on the one hand has to be discussed by the developers and on the other hand IMO can't be implemented as a simple prototype. Said this, I would like to create a Feature proposal at first that only describes the idea/concept of the fifth view.


[1] Wikipedia, ZUI; ZUI projects en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooming_user_interface
[2] Wikipedia, Paracosm en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracosm
Ideas are overvalued :)
Until something is implemented can't be i the hands of kids.


On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Christian Stroetmann <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:

    I waited for such an anser. But the Feature process clearly says
    that ideas should even be publicated if somebody does not
    implement it.


    We don't use the Feature process for activities.
    I don't think we have a map activity based on OSM,
    but we have one using google maps [1]
    Probably the best is start to work, and show some prototype,
    just start, code talks ;)


    [1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4211

    On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Christian Stroetmann
    <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:


        Today, I wondered if there is already an activity that is
        related with the Open Street Map (OSM; [1]).
        I search the Wiki of Sugar Labs and the Activities, but got
        no results for the search terms open street, openstreet and osm.
        Has anybody informations about this?
        If there is not such an activity I would like to propose such
        an activity as well, because IMO it is definitely a most have.
        I even would like to propose it as a feature of Sugar.

        Christian Stroetmann

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