On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <godi...@sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> Activity startup time is in the shell.log if sugar have debug enabled.

+100 on Gonzalo's recommendations. Also a couple of notes, from memory,

 - Gobject Introspection turned out to be slow to instantiate (IIRC,
dsd posted analysis this topic).

 - The network view leaks AP icons. You need a good number of APs
"visible" for this to be noticeable, if ps_mem.py tells you that the
memory usage is growing over time, check whether disabling wifi stops
the memory leaks. This should be an easy fix -- I researched this
couple years ago.

 - any tests run on SD cards depend on the SD card performance, not
two are alike...


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