Hi Manash,

I don't know why the feature page says 100% complete. Maybe it was included in sugar-dextrose which IDK where the code is for nowdays.

Anyway, it it looking good. Overall, I saw it and thought that manually setting environment variables was very messy. But consulting the archlinux wiki told me that that is the way to do it, and that this is not handled by network manager or anything :(.

Overall handwavy comment: currently we have to rewrite the proxy.sh script every time we change the proxy. Why don't we hardcode the proxy.sh script to read from some gsettings (eg. gsettings get org.sugarlabs.network.http-proxy) and then just change the gsettings in the control panel. That would probably reduce the amount of code, and remove the whole polkit thing.

Anyway, it would be good it anybody who knows more about proxies could comment!


On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Manash Raja <mpdman...@gmail.com> wrote:

The college Internet connection that I have goes through a proxy server. I am an interested developer as well as a sugar user along with my brother in school. Even though there is a feature page for proxy setting ( https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Proxy_Settings ), it seems that the settings are not available in the recent versions of sugar. So, I created the settings feature and sent a PR ( https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar/pull/665 ).

I want guidance on how should I proceed further. I mean, what about the feature page which says the feature is 100% complete for a particular version and yet is not available on the recent release? Also, shall I continue with the implementation I sent in the PR as that would be more comfortable for me, and hence would take less time for the feature to get incorporated in the latest verrsions of sugar, than to get the previous implementation from the features page?

Thanking you
Manash Pratim Das
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