Yes, the feature page is out of date.  Please fix it.

Pages that link to the feature page are 0.96 and 0.98 feature lists. (defer) (accepted, but x%)

The feature was code complete, with pre-github pull requests ready,
but the changes were not merged into the main Sugar repository.

It was also a feature page for a fork of Sugar, called Dextrose.

Dextrose did merge the pull request.  I'm unsure where the best source
is for Dextrose, but has a set of
repositories, and the Sugar repository was last updated in December
2013.  You might review the many repositories associated with that
link, looking for strings used in the screenshots.

If there are any developers reading who were involved at the time,
they might speak up to guide Manash to useful sources.

Manash, if you have reimplemented the feature without using the old
code, then please also do these actions;

- replace the screenshots in the feature page,

- delete any out of date information, (it can always be restored from
  page history if needed),

- add a link to the feature page on the 0.110 pages, as a proposal.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 12:13:34PM +0530, Manash Raja wrote:
> Hi,
> The college Internet connection that I have goes through a proxy server. I am
> an interested developer as well as a sugar user along with my brother in
> school. Even though there is a feature page for proxy setting ( [1]https://
> ), it seems that the settings 
> are
> not available in the recent versions of sugar. So, I created the settings
> feature and sent a PR ( [2] ).
> I want guidance on how should I proceed further. I mean, what about the 
> feature
> page which says the feature is 100% complete for a particular version and yet
> is not available on the recent release? Also, shall I continue with the
> implementation I sent in the PR as that would be more comfortable for me, and
> hence would take less time for the feature to get incorporated in the latest
> verrsions of sugar, than to get the previous implementation from the features
> page? 
> Thanking you
> Regards
> Manash Pratim Das
> References:
> [1]
> [2]

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