I read the log and didn't see any discussion of either an activity server or a WikiPort. Most of the discussion seems to focus on 'activity.info'.

I interpret https://github.com/sugar-activities as an attempt to provide a separate place for Sugar activity repositories based on download.sugarlabs.org/activities. The number of activities mentioned is consistent with the current content of ASLO. (see http://activities.sugarlabs.org/activities/)

A simple python script can process the activity.info in activity bundles very quickly. Simply download every activity bundle and then use import zipfile to read the activity.info file and check it for whatever is interesting. I generally use ls -1 *.xo > list to create a file. The python script can easily form a list of activities from this file.

Our primary goal must be to provide information and support for our users and prospective users. There is no reason for a user ever to know that there is an activity.info file or indeed an Activities folder. The original design provides the information needed for Sugar to register and execute the activity within the activity.py framework. In this spirit, the repository link should join the website link on ASLO where it is visible to the user.

In the spirit of view source, wouldn't it be helpful to have documentation giving the  user a map of Sugar and the role of the various modules? This could start with the information in activity.py. (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sugar3/activity/activity.py). This could lead in to James Simmons description of how to make a Sugar activity. The Hello World activity could be used as intended - as the simplest example. The problem with the wiki pages is not the mark up method but the organization and content.

Our priority task is to clean up ASLO. The activity version in ASLO needs to be released from the github repository with a meaningful version number (an integer not a real number). The activities need to be tested to see that they work in the Ubuntu 18.04 environment as well as in 13.2.9. We need to have a clear picture of the activities which are not working and the cause. It may be necessary to have different versions for Ubuntu and for 13.2.9. As well there may have to be different versions for the Intel processors and the Arm processors. ASLO needs to be modified to accommodate that need. There are activities which probably should be dropped. The Java activity works well but is not an activity. It installs Java - a one-time execution.

We also need to remember that the XO has very limited storage. It is essential that the installed activity not be git enabled. Currently the Browse activity not only downloads and installs an activity, it leaves a copy of the bundle in the Journal. This doubles the storage cost of an activity. It burdens our user with the need to switch to the Journal and erase the bundle. As developers we need to ask what is the effect a proposed change have on the size of the installed activity. Currently 13.2.9 installed on an XO-1 or on a 2GB XO-1.5 gives the user about 300MB of available storage.


On Monday, 07 May, 2018 02:42 AM, Vipul Gupta wrote:
Hi folks,

We are just done with our second meeting, of the project Setting up the activity server and WikiPort. Do refer to the logs for the updates, all comments and suggestions are appreciated. The blog with the updates is going to be uploaded soon on my blog Mixster.

*Logs are here* - http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2018-05-06T16:43:50 *Tracker (updated)* - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VdzjA-DnEBh0ntHY17ktXlp7c2pIofq8458gSCTwiSM/edit?usp=sharing

Happy Contributing !!

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github <https://github.com/vipulgupta2048>

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