Clearly my intent with the inventory is to identify those activities that are working (and in which environments). Hopefully, Caryl Bigenho's educational committee can get information from the users as to which of the non-working activities should have priority to bring back into working order. The 87 activities are working when generated by bundle-builder on both Ubuntu and the XO (needs further testing but the one's tested so far with one exception have worked on an XO-1.5). So I don';t see what extensive effort will be needed to keep them working.

Where we need to be realistic is in stating that an activity works on Sugar versions from 0.84 to 0.112. In general activities should be supported only with the current release of Sugare github.

I was hoping there was a place on where we could post the spreadsheet so that it can be kept up to date reflecting the current status.

Aside from the port to gtk3, the primary problem seemed to be webkit. Is there a way to import webkit that works with both Ubuntu 18.04 and 13.2.9? Do we need to have two separate versions of activities - one for Ubuntu and one for 13.2.9?


On Monday, 07 May, 2018 03:17 PM, James Cameron wrote:
Thanks, this will be useful for anyone deploying Sugar on Ubuntu

I think the best thing to do is to concentrate on the 87 working
activities and keep them working.  That will take about 50% of our
effort for the next year.

Then fix the activities that did work on the XO-1.5 with Fedora 18 and
did not work on Ubuntu 18.04.

Activities that don't work on either are defunct, and not worth
fixing, or someone would have done so by now.

I don't think official repositories are at all necessary, until and
unless the activities can be made to work.  My preference is to remove
from activities that can't be made to work in a
reasonable time ... i.e. the past year.

On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 01:50:29PM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
Attahed is a spreadsheet inventory of the Sugar activities on ASLO. Except for
clerical errors, this is accurate and complete as of mid-April, 2018. It
reports on 537 activities. With a very nine exceptions, each activity has an xo
bundle on ASLO ([1] The first column
gives the folder name. The fourth column is the bundle (file name).

The bundles tested on Ubuntu were built ( from the github repository
(fifth column). There is no assurance that this bundle corresponds to the
bundle with that name on ASLO itself. The testing on the XO-1.5 is not
complete. This testing was done by downloading the bundle built on Ubuntu to
the XO from the schoolserver. The ten activities on the Ubuntu install were not
independently tested.

In Summary, the spreadsheet shows 528 sugar activities (bundles). Of these, 224
have repositories on github. Of these, 87 work on 0.112 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

My assumption is that the official repository for each activity is on Any bundle released to ASLO is built from the that
repository. This implies a need to get official repositories established for
the 304 activities which do not have one. A reasonable first focus is on the
137 repositories that do not produce a working version.

These numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt. For example,
sugar-web-activities are shown among the 304 only because of the testing
procedure. However, with help from interested parties, the spreadsheet can be
made more accurate. It probably needs to be put up on the Sugarlabs site -
possibly on github. I am certainly willing to follow instructions in this

My primary motivation is to provide an inventory of Sugar activities on the
schoolserver which users can download and install. The school server view is
similar to that cited by Walter. It requires only the simplest of html5 and
javascript. The display is data driven. The primary problem is to know which of
the activities are viable. It can be very discouraging to download an activity
and have it return 'did not start'.


On Monday, 07 May, 2018 11:02 AM, Thomas Gilliard wrote:

     On 05/06/2018 07:17 PM, Walter Bender wrote:

         On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 10:00 PM Tony Anderson <[2]>

             Hi, Walter

             Is there a link to a description of the proposed new server? I
             assume that what you mean is that a new physical server will become
             host to ASLO. Naturally, I am much more interested in the
             capabilities of the service than the server.

         I am referring to [3] (I see James
         answered you while I was typing this.)

     looks like [4]
     sugar network  [5]

             It is really hard for me to see any connection between [6]
    and an activity service (which supplies information
             about activities and downloads the bundle  on request).I assume
             these consistency tests are made before a new activity version is
             released and is part of the process of creating a github

         The database for ASLO3 is derived from the [7] files. But
         those data need cleaning up. This is why we have not gone live with the
         new server.

             The python script can use a loop on the list of bundles:

             for activity in activities:

                  #use zipfile to read the [8] file

                  #count or test for any property

                  #report (e.g. print ) result of test by activity

             #report summary of loop execution

             I do not have any idea of what you are referring to by a
             screenshot. I certainly hope there is no intent to add a screenshot
             to an activity bundle. It may be fun to revel in storage available
             on a PC but the overwhelming number of our users have XO laptops
             with very limited storage. This is similar to the trend to make
             Sugar more dependent on the internet. For example, sudo apt-get
             install sucrose is difficult to accomplish in a room with 40
             laptops and no internet, the current situation in Rwanda with the
             Positivo laptop.

         We use screenshots in the activity portal. They need not be included in
         the bundles.


             On Monday, 07 May, 2018 09:35 AM, Walter Bender wrote:

                 This particular discussion was about [9] because
                 the student is working on getting the activity server on line
                 and cleaning up the [10] files is an essential

                     I interpret [11] as an
                     attempt to provide a separate place for Sugar activity
                     repositories based on [12]
                     . The number of activities mentioned is consistent with the
                     current content of ASLO. (see [13]http://

                 Yes. We have an on-going effort to migrate to a new activity
                 server which is both easier to maintain and a richer experience
                 for our users.

                     A simple python script can process the [14] in
                     activity bundles very quickly. Simply download every
                     activity bundle and then use import zipfile to read the
                     [15] file and check it for whatever is
                     interesting. I generally use ls -1 *.xo > list to create a
                     file. The python script can easily form a list of
                     activities from this file.

                 We are concerned about a number of inconsistencies with the
                 data, including license, summary, screen shots, etc.

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         Sugar Labs

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